Lead for Good Blog

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Welcome to the first posting of Lead for Good, a blog for leaders on the never ending journey of taking teams, team members, businesses/organizations and themselves to new levels of performance excellence. The blog is a way to share and explore thinking and best practices together.

These are some of the principles I work with clients on to "live" in their leadership every day:

  • Leadership is energy and influence, not a title.

  • What is good for people is good for business.

  • Continuing to evolve as a leader is a responsibility, for leaders who want their teams to grow.

  • Developing others is an investment, not an expense.

  • All team members can have an enriching work experience and future.

What are some of the principles you are living

in your leadership?

Sherri McArdle is a wife and mother to adult children and has been a business leader/owner for over 25 years. She is also a Master Certified Coach (MCC) to leaders and executives across the country and a trained mediator.


Expectation Setting: Good or Bad for Team Performance?